I traveled with the Pottstown Area Garden Club on a beautiful day last week to take a docent led tour of this inspiring Appalachian Piedmont regional garden. Down the “Woods Path” to the “West Slope” brought us upon a peaceful setting of ponds, water plants, and frogs. Each part of the garden was lovelier than the last. I hated to part from the idyllic setting next to the ponds. But back up the path we went past the meadow, the “Trillium Garden”, the “Lilac Allee”, and then onto the “South Terrace”.
Our docent was very knowledgeable about many of the native plants growing along the paths. We oohed and aahed at the lovely specimens and planned out in our minds where we might place such plants in our own gardens.
This garden is only open for group tours. You must call ahead and be part of a group of 10 or more to receive a guided tour. It seems to be located way out in the middle of nowhere and we were told that visitors to Mt. Cuba often get lost on their way in. The staff recommends that you follow the directions on their web site at www.mtcubacenter.org. You can visit their web site for more information about tours or call them at 302-239-4244.
I enjoyed taking photo after photo…more than I could share. But here are a few of some of the loveliest plants blooming that day.
Mountain Laurel getting ready to burst forth in beauty.
Each area of the garden can be a slighty different mini zone. At a different spot this same plant is in full bloom.
This Maidenhair Fern looked beautiful in the woodland garden.
These Lady Slippers seemed to put on a sad face.
Looking through the branches a gorgeous dispaly of rhododendron.
Down by the edge of the pond Blue Flag were in bloom.