A Favorite Quote

"If you look the right way you can see that the whole world is a garden." from The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A Season of Rain

     This past weekend I was driving to a photography conference at Kutztown University.  It was dark and dreary and I didn’t know where I was going.  I was on unfamiliar roads.  The rain was pouring down and I was listening to the radio.  I heard Michael W. Smith singing “We Bow Down” and his song sent my mind into deep thoughts.
     I began thinking about the seasons of life we go through at times.  I began to sing along with the radio and I thought about the season I’ve just been through.  A season of rain… In Dec of 2011 I had surgery for breast cancer.  In Jan and Feb of 2012 I had radiation therapy.  All through that time I was having major back and knee issues; so much so, that I was often in a wheel chair.  In Oct of 2012 I had total knee replacement.  It was a difficult recovery.
     I lost interest in my old hobbies.  I couldn’t garden.  I couldn’t bend over to take a photograph.    The weight of the rain on my body made me droop.  I felt like I lost my petals.  But as I looked at all the flowers and trees along the road that night and saw them droop with the weight of the rain I felt worship fill up my heart.

     God brings the rain to the earth to give the flowers a drink, to bring them refreshment.  The earth cannot survive without the rain.  It knocks off the flowers and makes the plants bow down to the ground.  They are heavy with the weight of the rain.  Yet, they need that rain to grow and gain strength and to bloom again in the future.
As I went through my season of rain I was able to continue to praise God for His many blessings.  On this side of the storm I can testify of how He helped me.  I saw His hand of mercy at work in my life.  I received the blessings of love and fellowship and friendship through the rain.  Today my heart is blooming with the thought of all the blessings the Lord has given me.  As I drove that night the words that went up to God from my heart were “I bow down and worship you Lord, even in the rain”.
     I had an awesome time at the photography conference.  I had the opportunity to meet and listen to Mike Moats a professional macro photographer (along with some other great folks, too).  As Mike talked about his blog, his words were an encouragement to me to get back to my own blogging.  Viewing his photographs made me want to go out and shoot puddles.  Yes, puddles!  I will never look at a puddle in the same way again.  Thank you Mike for your tips and encouragement and for chatting with me at supper!  You all will certainly want to view his website and photos.  If you get the chance take one of his workshops, you will learn so much.  Visit his website at www.tinylandscapes.com.


  1. Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing. Blog more often!


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