A Favorite Quote

"If you look the right way you can see that the whole world is a garden." from The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Lancaster County

A drive in Lancaster County makes a great day trip for the fall. Dad wanted to visit his brother, Uncle George, in Ephrata. Charlie and I decided to enjoy taking Dad out for the day. On the way to see Uncle George we stopped at a couple of farm stands and on the way home we stopped for a walk in Nolde Forest. The wonder of God's handiwork cries out to us in the beauty of the day. It was a drink for the eyes to behold as we viewed the beautiful golden and orange colors surrounding us. As we walked in the forest we could listen to the creek tumbling over the rocks calling us deeper and deeper into the stillness of the woods. I thought about how God wants us to come away with Him and spend time with Him each day. As we feed on His Word and go deeper and deeper into the stillness of His presence our hearts are calmed from the pressures of this world. He calls us to "...be still and know that I am God". That day my reply was "Here I am Lord, I hear you calling me."

1 comment:

  1. What a great reminder! Time in His presence calms the storms within us.


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